Saturday, 9 March 2013

11aEn1 - 'Rubbish at Adultery'

Hi chaps,

This is one of my favourites from our dear Anthea - it has a real 'human' voice and you can really understand how the speaker feels through their own "diatribe" against their cheating lover. What is interesting is the lack of control created by the enjambment (implying rage and a spilling over of emotions) which is countered by the planned rhyme scheme, suggesting that perhaps this 'rant' has been stewed over for a good while. So...

1) Is she really detached and in control or is she in a bit too deep? YOU DECIDE! Tell me what you think and why.

2) What is the effect of repetition in this poem? Pick out more than one example.

3) Pick out three emotions shown through the use of enjambement - which quotes show these emotions?

4) What is the effect of punctuation in this poem? Pick three examples and explain.

5) How does the writer use language to show the speaker's feelings? Give examples from the poem in your response.

As always, pick one question and answer it in the comments box below!


Miss D


  1. 1) In my opinion I think that the speaker is emotionally attracted/In too deep. In the third stanza the speaker states "we've lost our common goal". "common goal" suggests the presence of a team while "goal" is could be linked to marriage.Therefore the fact that the speaker says that their common goal is now lost implies that she believes that their is more to their relationship then just a secret fling , showing that she is emotionally attached. Furthermore her exasperated and upset tone in "So what are we doing here" also supports this.

    -Rachael Josiah

  2. Hannah uses language to show the skeaker's feelings. This is clear when she says "To hear you whinge and whine" the use of alliteration and assonance of a soft "w" sound suggests that she feels that he has become soft. Furthermore when Hannah writes "Fine; when have I ever asked you to?" The use of a question shows that she is patronising him due to her frustration with hime trying to pin the blame on her. In addition the use of enjambment highlights her overflow of annoyance and frustration. The use of the word "passion" shows the theme of the poem and it also shows how much passion she has towards him and the relationship. Finally the use of the phrase "You stupid, stupid git" the repitition of the adjective "stupid" shows har anger towards hime and the use of the colloquial word "git" demonstrates her haste to get her feelings accross and express her views on the relationship.

    -Daniel J.

  3. Q5In the poem "Rubbish at Adultery "the writer use language to show the speaker's feelings. In the first stanza she said " Must I give up another night " To show that she is fed up, then she added "To hear you whinge and whine" To tell us that she is frustrated and irritated.In the second stanza she used the words "When I ever asked you to?" to emphasize that she is frustrate exasperate and indignant she also said the words as an accusation. In the last stanza she lost her temper saying "You´re just as crap at it " and then she continued "Choose one and do it properly " giving him an ultimatum at the end Sophie Hannah wrote "You stupid ,stupid git" Insulting angry as him chose the other woman.

  4. q5- sophie uses sophisticated language showing the speakers feelings; showing alot of effort being put in the concept of relationships. sophie mentions the quote to hear you whinge and whine- which connotes the assonance- the main vowel is 'i'. and demostrating alliteration, highlighting the softness of the 'w' in which both of the techniques are related.the feelings related to this are described to be frustrating and endless irritations increasing in tension however beneath that is the softess and weakness followed on by the alliteration through with the assonance. this is evidident; shows that realationships are hard in reality using the majority of her passion(is what the enjambment compliments)therefore its seemed she had felt the same pain and wants the reader to emphasise

  5. 1) I believe the speaker is in too deep in regards to her relationship with the man she is addressing. The speaker believes that they have lost their common goal, in the relationship. If the relationship was intended to be short lived, the speaker would hold no prior concern in relation to a long term goal. As well as her admitting she had a long term plan in this, the speaker also shows signs of caring. If she didn't care at all for the feelings of her partner in this adultery, she wouldn't even take his feelings and thoughts into concern, let alone bother her.

  6. Q2:
    In the Poem "Rubbish at Adultery" by Hannah, Hannah uses quiet a lot of repetition in order to express her raw emotions. Sophie Hannah repeats the word "You". By repeating the word "You" it suggests that she believes the man is the root of the problem and as a result she is taking her anger out on him through out the entire poem. In addition to this by repeating the word "You" it creates the effect of the the poem being very forceful and direct and therefore reiterates that Hannah believes he (you) is the cause of the problems and shows she is angry with him about their bad relationship.
    Secondly Hannah repeats the word "I". This shows the reader and also creates the effect that by repeating the word "I" and "You" there is a barrier/segregation between the two of them. Finally by repeating the word "I" it also creates the effect and very clearly shows the reader that Hannah (the narrator of the poem) wants nothing to do with him.

  7. In the poem, Sophie Hannah uses a wide range of langauge techniques to express the speakers feelings. Throughout the poem, she asks rhetorical questions such as "Just leave them out of this?". Rehtorical questions are not supposed to be answered, they are supposed to leave the reader or person thinking. So, the speaker has used a rehtorical question to make him thnk about what he has done to her and how she is feeling.

  8. Hannah uses repetition to emphasise certain parts in the poem. It makes the reader focus on that one aspect. An example is when she writes “you stupid, stupid git.” The repetition of “stupid,” draws emphasis on the word “git” and makes the reader really notice the word and demonstrates how strongly she feels.

    In addition to this, Hannah also repeats the pronoun “you” several times throughout the poem. She does this as she is connoting that it is all his fault and is attempting to point out all of his flaws and vent out her feelings.

    1. Q5.
      The writer use language to show the speaker's feelings. This is shown when she writes "Whinge and whine." Through the use of soft alliteration of the "w" it implies that she is feeling fed up and thinks the man is soft, suggesting that he is weak and needs to be a stronger person mentally.

      Additionally, the writer uses repetition of the personal pronoun "You." She writes "You are? you say". This connotes that she feels that she is in the right and that he is the route of the problem. Furthermore it suggests that she sees them as separate individuals by using personal pronouns instead of collective pronouns. This reinforces the idea that the man is not doing his part.


  9. Q1) In my opinion the speaker of the poem is in too deep in regards towards her relationship with the man. The speaker has shown that she is annoyed at the end of the poem as she says "you stupid, stupid git" suggesting she is really angry towards the man. As well as she has a mocking tone saying "you're sensitive; A tortured, wounded soul" conveying that she is truly agitated towards her man. Lastly the speaker has insulted the man writing down "You're rubbish at adultery" representing her wrath of anger within her.


  10. In Rubbish at Adultery: I think that Hannah tries to convey the idea that she is in control, this can be seen by 'What a dreadful swine'. The harsh tone in the comment demonstrates that she wants to be in control and wants to process that power by making the listener feel belittled. However, I feel that Hannah is really trying to present the speaker as strongly emotionally attached. I say this because Hannah writes 'we've lost our common goal'. A goal is usually an achievement to reach with in a relationship so by the speaker saying they share this common goal, she is really saying they share this source of hope and this enforces the idea of a relationship, meaning she is more emotionally invested then whats expected of a fling.

    - Tia

  11. In my opinion, Hannah is in way deeper than she is aware of. This is shown when she uses the hyperbole "a tortured, wounded soul" in referal to her lover. In her desperate attempt to hide her true feelings, she finds herself lashing out and referring to him as "wounded" when in actual fact, she is the one feeling hurt and damaged. Hannah is angry at herself for still wanting him and is having a hard time deciding who has betrayed her more, him, or her heart.

  12. The speaker uses repetition to convey and portray her frustration to the listener.This is evident when she says “you are? You say you'll never leave your wife...” The repetition of “you,” demonstrates to the listener that the speaker is blaming everything on them and that she feels that she is faultless.In addition, the use constant repetition also emphasises the separation between them as "you" is a singular pronoun. Furthermore,the speaker frustration reiterated again when she states "you stupid, stupid git", the repetition of the insult "stupid" Portrays the speakers anger as she has to resorts to belittling insults to get her point across and as insults are generally a last resort to a confrontation i can infer that the speaker was furious at her counter-part.
    -Dave Conteh

  13. In my opinion, I believe she is in too deep and wants way more than just a fling. She claims that she just wants fun and passion but the structure of the stanzas in the poem says otherwise. The poem is set out with 4 stanzas all 6 lines long. This shows structure and order in contrast to what she says she wants. This could mean that she desires a serious relationship, maybe a married one. Similarly she says 'we've lost our common goal' you would only expect married couples to have goals and this implies that maybe she sees them as a team. She also says 'A rare ten minutes from guilty diatribes - what bliss' this quote is extremely hypocritical as she complains about him moaning and ranting when the whole poem is a rant aimed at him.

    - Henry

  14. i think that the writers in way too deep but is trying to cover that up by trying to sound in control of her feelings when she is clearly not.Her emotions are splattered all over the page by the use of enjambement which tell the reader that she is ranting on about a relationship that she is suppose to not care about, a relationship that should be a fling? Throughout the poem her tone is very frustrated,mocking and patronizing. This makes the reader question if she does care as little as she is suppose to because if she did then she wouldn't being feeling such strong emotions towards a fling. Also she wouldn't be going though all this effort just for a fling, this shows her attachment to her relationship with her "partner" and therefore shows that she is in way too deep than she think.

  15. Q5: The writer uses repetition to show the speaker's changed emotional state. this is shown in the sentence: 'you stupid, stupid git'. The repetition of the word 'stupid' shows shows anger at the person being spoken to and the repetition of the word amplifies the sense of anger shown by the speaker. Furthermore, it shows that she has completely lost control of her emotions and has failed to contain the anger and frustration that has been building in her since the beginning of the poem

  16. Through the use of an enjambment in the first stanza, three emoting are shown: frustration, harshness and passion. Frustration is shown an Hannah writes "whing and whine". The use of alliteration draws attention to the 'w' sound, which is soft and may imply weakness. Harshness is depicted when Hannah states "and what a dreadfull swine". This harsh tone could suggest that Hannah is attemting to make the listener feel inferior. This therefore creates the idea that Hannah is the more superior party in this ordeal. Furthermore, this enjambment as a whole, connotes the speaker's passion. Her rants suggest that the even was more than just a fling as it had a more deeper effect on the speaker.

  17. A comment from Natasha, responding to question 5: 'How does the writer use language to show the speaker's feelings? Give examples from the poem in your response.

    The writer uses alliteration to show the speaker is annoyed. Hannah writes 'hear you whinge and wine' The use of the soft alliteration has connotations of someone who is careless and makes no effort however Hannah puts this here to contrast the speakers feelings. The speaker is trying to sound laid back and that she does not care however, it is clear that she does. To add to this, Hannah uses a collective pronoun to portray the speakers feelings. Hannah writes 'We've lost our common goal' the collective pronoun 'we've' is used here to demonstrate that the speaker looks at herself and the man as a unit. It is a change to the repetition of the pronouns 'you and 'I' previously used to create a barrier between the characters and show they are separate people however, the change in tone when Hannah writes 'We've' shows that the speaker does look at this 'fling' more deeply and that they have something in common. Furthermore, 'common goal' suggests that the relationship means a lot to the speaker because a 'goal' is something that is set in order to be achieved, the use of 'we've' and 'goal' in the same sentence portrays that she wants more from the relationship because they are trying to achieve something together.

  18. 1) i think that Hannah is in too deep, she shows this when she says "must I give up another night to hear you whinge and whine". This shows shes complaining about how he moans but really she is upset that hes more concerned about how he feels in the situation but doesn't realise how she feels. She craves for his attention and for their relationship to be more than just an affair, "yes,I'm aware your sensitive" the word yes with the pause after shows shes understanding and sensitive to what he is saying but she is exhausted from the matter that he doesn't care about her feelings. The quote simply shows she is listening to him and his problems but he needs to take time to listen to her.
